AZuR to Study Reality of Tyre Recycling | Environmental XPRT

2022-06-18 15:12:34 By : Ms. Aimee Chen

German AZuR (Allianz Zukunft Reifen – German Tyre Future) network has launched a study into end-of-life tyres (ELT) in the country

The study will look at many aspects of the outcomes for ELT from retreading to pyrolysis. The aim is to unravel the mysteries about what really happens to ELT tyres.

Find out the full story on our Tyre & Rubber Recycling site here.                                       

What is a tyre shredder with trommel?The tyre shredder with trommel is suitable for grinding tires, wire tires, steel wire tires (radial tires) and various waste rubber products or scraps to turn them into rubber crumbs or rubber powder, which realizes the recycling of waste tires.Because tires have a certain toughness, compared to plastic is also more wear-resistant, so the tyre shredder with trommel generally uses a higher model of motor and reducer.Tyre shredder with trommel Features:1.Ultra-low speed, large...

Tyre Recycling Forum at The Tire Cologne

The Tire, Cologne returned after a Covid imposed absence with a series of panels on tyre recycling. David Wilson from Retreading Business discussed the role of retreading in sustainability and its role in helping extend the life of tyres, keeping them out of the waste stream for as long as is possible. The second speaker was Dario Andreani from Chile, who brought with him his presentation on his T-phite graphite developed from recovered Carbon Black from waste tyres. Enjoy the full Tyre & Rubber Recycling...

Anyline Tyre Data App to Control Dumping?

Anyline offers an opportunity for the whole tyre sector to establish data management of every tyre sold – and disposed of There has been talk and trials of tyre tagging in the UK with a view to retailers tagging tyres upon disposal. If those tyres later turn up in dumpsites, the source can be identified, and the illegal operator chased down. Local authorities and police have put funding into such operations. Enjoy the full Tyre & Rubber Recycling article here.


THE TIRE COLOGNE ended last Thursday, having seen 12,000 trade visitors from 100 countries, 300 exhibiting companies and brands from 35 countries. This year’s edition focused on solutions relating to the themes of sustainability, digitalisation and the future of mobility, as well as innovations and products from the segments of tyres and wheels, automotive services and workshop needs, tire remoulding, as well as tire recycling and disposalFind out the full Retreading Business story here.

Phoenix Develops New Asphalt Binder

Phoenix Industries has seen the successful completion of the first trial project with their PelletPAVE pelletised rubber modified binder. Approximately 150 mix tons of the rubber modified hot mix asphalt was produced and placed in Pahrump, Nevada.PelletPAVE is a high rubber content, concentrate additive that when mixed with a base paving oil such as a PG64 -22 produces a modified binder typically with properties equal to or better than a SBS polymer-modified PG76 -22.Discover the full Tyre & Rubber Recycling...

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